Why Should I Progesterone Test My Dog?

With the sky-high prices of stud fees becoming more prevalent over the past five years, many breeders and pet owners have become worried about the risk vs. reward for paying a stud fee. However, an often-overlooked alternative to guessing the correct day to mate your bitch is a simple progesterone test.

Progesterone testing determines the correct day to mate your bitch with an accuracy of up to 99.2% and is vetted and encouraged by veterinary centres across the country.

What Is A Progesterone Test For Dogs?

The progesterone test is a quantitative and is single-handedly the most accurate way to pinpoint the best day to mate your dog. If this is combined with observing behaviour around a sexually active male canine, the possibility of a failed pregnancy is minimised.

Moreover, the results of the test are displayed in a numeric format, meaning it is understandable to all breeders. Canine Scanning absolutely recommend this test to everyone who is considering mating their bitch.

How Is A Progesterone Test Performed?

  • Firstly, a small blood sample is taken from the bitch by one of our highly-trained professionals, using sterile equipment.

  • Next, the blood sample is placed into our highly sophisticated, state-of-the-art Progesterone Machine and is allowed to run for about 20 minutes.

  • Finally, you receive your results!

Many people view dog breeding as hit or miss, but this is not the case; progesterone testing has a high degree of precision, enabling you to secure a successful pregnancy. It minimises any miscalculations and reduces the likelihood of complications. We recommend testing your bitch five to six days after blood is spotted from her vulva, as her progesterone levels will only begin to increase once she comes into heat.

Is Progesterone Testing Essential?

Progesterone testing is especially essential for bitches who have not succeeded in a successful pregnancy before, even more so if you are using chilled semen, due to the fact chilled semen will only survive 24 hours after warming.

Even experienced breeders have a hard time judging the correct day to mate – it is not uncommon for some bitches to ovulate as early as day five while others may ovulate as late as day 25.

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